Pleasant meetings in Åre
Endast 10 minuter från Åre by
At Hotel Åre Fjällsätra you confer in a calm and sweet environment with a view of the entire Södra Årefjälen. We serve homemade food, Swedish go-fika, conference equipment and technical support.
You can choose from 4 different conference rooms, with space for 6 - 100 people.
The whole Åre Fjällsätra
is a meeting place
Together in the conference room, or divided into small groups.
In the sun on the porch or in the shade of our greenhouse. Find the optimal conference room here at Hotell Åre Fjällsätra!
You also have the opportunity to conference completely undisturbed, as the entire hotel can be booked and used only by you. We have traditional conference rooms, and as a conference guest you also have access to the public spaces that are available. Wireless Internet (fiber) is available throughout the hotel and in the garden.
Many people also choose to use the nature as a conference room, either through walk-and-talk or by placing the meeting in one of our "conservatories" in the garden.
Åre Fjällsätra was built in the 1930s and has since been a meeting place for both companies and individuals.
Konferenssal Välliste
Biosittning: 75 personer
Skolsittning: 45 personer
Öar: 70 personer
Konferenssal Romohallen
Biosittning: 100 personer
Skolsittning: 50 personer
Öar: 55 personer
Konferenssum Lillskutan
Biosittning: 20 personer
Styrelsesittning: 14 personer
Konferenssum Lunndörren
Styrelsesittning: 10 personer
Chambre separé i barrummet
Styrelsesittning: 14 personer
Vill du boka en konferens, kan du enkelt kontakt oss via bokaknappen här nedanför!
Alla våra konferensrum är tillgänglighetsanpassade, även toaletter i anslutning till mötesrummen är handikappsanpassade. I två av våra konferensrum har vi en fast hörslinga installerad.
På hotellet har vi fem hotellrum som är tillgänglighetsanpassade för rullstol. Hiss finns.
Our conference rooms
We have four conference rooms where we offer a projector, wireless Internet (500 mbit), whiteboard, flip-chart, paper, pens, fruit, something sweet & water.
All our conference rooms are adapted for the disabled and have a hearing aid installed.
In the hotel and in the restaurant there is the possibility to use our common areas as well as the porch and greenhouse, if you wish to sit and work in small groups.
Konferensrum Lillskutan
Konferenssal Välliste
The accommodation
Åre Fjällsätra offers a total of 41 rooms. These are divided into 3 single rooms, 4 family rooms and 34 double rooms, a total of 92 beds. The rooms are personally decorated with views of the mountains and our garden. We have several balconies that extend around the house, where you can snuggle in our lovely outdoor furniture. Indoors we have several public areas where you can sit and socialize after dinner. If more beds are needed, extra beds can be easily set up and we collaborate with other players in the local area.
Wine & Dine
Under er konferens hos oss serverar vi mat som vi på hotell Åre Fjällsätra tycker är bra. Bra mat för oss är god och vällagad mat. Den lagas av bra råvaror från bra producenter. Det finns många duktiga odlare & matproducenter i vårt område, vilka vi har förmånen att samarbeta med. Vi tar även själva tillvara på råvaror från vår trädgård, från skogen, sjön och berget i den största mån det bara går. Så långt det är möjligt är våra råvaror ekologiska.
Our conference packages
Feel free to read more about our various conference packages below. Of course, we also tailor other conference packages based on your specific needs.
Rent the whole house and let us take care of you while you focus completely and fully in our calm and genuine environment. The hotel was built in the 1920s and has since undergone a number of renovations, extensions and additions over the years. The hotel has a total of 41 hotel rooms, all of which can be used as single or double rooms. We also have a five-person multi-bed room. There are a total of 98 beds. All our rooms have a private bathroom.
The entire hotel and its facilities all to yourself
Cohesion is strengthened and the community becomes something very special
Only you - nothing else